SRP in use:
Complete clearing
In this operating mode, all airstrip segments between two aircraft movements will be completely cleared, period of time approx. 5 minutes.
The Snow Removal Groups (SRG1, SRG2, etc) are waiting with the same safe distance to the runway as e.g. an aircraft waiting for take-off.
The Snow Removal Groups (SRG1, SRG2 ...) start cleaning the corresponding air strip segments after take-off or landing of the aircraft.
Integrated procedure
In this operational mode the available wake turbulence separating times are used in scale of seconds and during this period the defined segments will be cleared. In this mode, a runway can be completely cleared during running air traffic up to 4 times per hour. Depending on the local condition, weather conditions and estimated time window, the crossings and clearing movements are variable.
Snow-removal vehicles are waiting on the service path with the same clearance distance to the runway like an airplane waiting for crossing.
After the landing aircraft passing by, the aircraft (B) crosses the runway and the snow-removal mobiles exempt the runway from snow, ice, water and foreign substances and drive on the service path of the opposite side.